Wow! So I am being paid to paint, something I never thought would be possible. I am so incredibly thankful to all of my customers, friends and family for the support and encouragement - I am truly grateful for the opportunity to do this in life. : )
I thought I might use the blog space to give updates about what I have done, what I have coming up and how I am managing my little studio. If you come across this space and like what you read, have any tips, suggestions or words of encouragement, please let me know! I am very new to all of this and I am very open to suggestions!~
So Far!
Website: So after I had a number of enquiries through my facebook marketplace post - I created my website to make ordering a little more streamlined for people. I also set up a booking management system internally so I can keep track of who is scheduled, for what, when. etc.
First Purchases! So after my first few sales, I was able to do a bulk order on frames and packaging (Envelopes, Giftbags etc.) so that I didn't have to run out to the shops on every order.
Gift card - I was also gifted an art gift card to the Artshed in West End which let me pick up a few organising tools, as my workspace had become a little - messy! (Thanks Cassie!)
Processes: So I have fine-tuned my processes and have a bit of a conveyor belt for my work so that way I am not bottlenecked on each painting.
Coming up!
I have officially closed off new orders until my newborn arrives - and opened a Christmas Waitlist, which is already starting to fill up (Wow!) So I will be completing paintings as of mid October until just before Christmas!
Because I will have another little bebe, doing local drop-offs will become a little too tricky, so I am offering pickup instead - though I have had a lot of interest in shipping.
So - I have engaged a few boxing companies for quotes / samples for custom sized boxes to better house and ship my paintings : ) They will take about a month to cut and ship, and it's a fairly large expense for a small studio starting out - but I think that it will be worth it over Christmas, especially as most of the paintings I will be doing will be gifts.
The boxes are just plain brown boxes, so I was thinking of getting some stickers with my logo printed too to pop on them.
Some Working Pics:
First Painting for Kiara!~
Second Painting for Elyse!~
Drawing for Kiara!~
Third Painting for Emma!~
Fourth Painting for Maddie!~
Fifth Painting for Shel!~
Sixth Painting for Jen!~
I also have 1 Painting underway, and SEVEN sketched and ready to paint. I also have 16 more paintings to draw and paint before little one arrives, and the Christmas waitlist is starting to fill out. I'm incredibly humbled and overjoyed—I truly can't express just how overwhelmingly happy I feel.
Thank you so much everyone - and I look forward to updating you again soon!~